Sunday, December 8, 2013

Gobble Till You Wobble!!

So my goal to blog every day of December never even stood a chance LOL.  
Unfortunately I had some huge work opportunities come up the day before Thanksgiving and it has been non stop ever since!!  With that large projects, trying to decorate, plan for hosting Christmas, and run after a low crawling baby, time has gotten a little scarce!!

Make that  25 24 adventures of Christmas!  SO far everything else has a surviving chance haha!

I have a lot of catching up to do this week :) Here's a little sneak peak of our Thanksgiving!

Gobble till you wobble!!!  Love her beautiful eyes!
I nearly peed myself when I found this onesie at target.  It comes with pants that have a turkey on the butt!!
I first found this gem of an outfit in October but the Target closest to us only had a Newborn size, low and behold when I was having a bad day and was broke they finally had Olive's size! One of the happiest purchases I have EVER MADE IN MY LIFE!

Thanksgiving day started out with her first pancakes....made by GAMMY :) 

Followed by watching her first Macy's Parade...she LOVED them both!

Followed a few hours later by her first Thanksgiving Dinner!!!!!!  She couldn't stop posing and tried to take the camera!

In the end she was not a fan of Thanksgiving dinner put in the Majic bullet hahahah!! 

She hated everything mashed up, instead she is now at the stage where she wants everything off my plate and is wanting larger chunks to nibble on (with only 2 little teeth).  She was over the traditional meal and was more in favor of the measuring cups- they're her fav now! But she LOVED cherry pie for dessert all weekend thanks to papa Rudy.

Even though she was not a fan (normally I am not either) I actually loved my parents modern approach to the classic meal!  A rosemary and olive oil smoked turkey, a mushroom and carmelized onion stuffing, and of course green bean casserole (not modern but hey) all fabulous with my mom's famous jalapeno bread!

After dinner my mom and I couldn't wait to change the living room into the "studio" to take some Christmas pictures!

A preview of some of the photos that might make the Christmas card I'm doing later (I'm so not on the ball with some of these things)!


 As you can see all four grandparents and mom and dad were all in the background!  We either had a camera or a toy that made noise in our hands and it was paparazzi crazy for like 5 minutes- Our little Ham just ate it up! ( I need to photoshop us all out before these get slapped on Christmas cards haha)!

 Olive is on the move like crazy now and once she got out of that bucket she was like "I'm over this, where's my turtle"- we couldn't get her to sit still for the lit backdrop! 
Pinterest Fail

We at least (FINALLY) got to sneak in a family pic (sans makeup, don't judge) to commemorate our first Thanksgiving as a little family!

Hope you all had a great thanksgiving and would love to hear how yours went!
Keep posted, tonight I will be sharing a sneak peak of our home Christmas decor!!
X, Jamie

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