Monday, November 11, 2013

Belated Halloween! Oops!

I have been a slacker!  Every day I am bursting with energy, up until 6pm, and I naively think to myself "Oh My word I can't wait to blog tonight- I will get Olive to bed, wash bottles, and then get my Blog on!!"  Last week was no exception- I had every intention of posting every night but instead my evening consisted of unplanned chores, taking care of a sick hubby to be, fighting my own cold that he gave me, and falling asleep at 830pm- got my "Nyquil" on instead haha.  Let's just say last week was a "baby powder in the hair" and buying lunch rather than packing it kind of week!

So before it's Thanksgiving I'm getting our Halloween pics up finally!!

For Olive's first Halloween my biggest fantasy was to have a family theme for our costumes!  Of course I have been going pinterest happy for years with a whole board full of cute baby costume ideas and on the top of my list was 1) the lobster in a pot! 2) cabbage patch baby and 3) a peacock!  

I thought once we got Olive's costume picked we could then match our costumes to hers!  Lets just say every idea I threw out got vetoed in 1.2 seconds and we were left with only 3 weeks to shop and nothing that I felt like wearing in the end either!  We finally decided on a "sea theme" but without being too matchy matchy!  David wanted to be a pirate, we found the cute shark costume for Olive, and I decided to be a mermaid!  We bought our costumes but our plans were foiled with David having to go out of town for work last minute :(

Without hesitation my dear friend and photographer (from soup girls day) Christi saved the day though!  She came over after work to walk the neighborhood with Olive and I, help hand out candy, and take pics of the funniest 1st halloween ever- she even came in costume with her dog lucky.  Scuba Christi and Lucky the shark/pirahna were amazing!!!

Just for those who don't know, Arizona can stay pretty warm in the early evenings even in lat October!  I think I sweat a gallon of water just dressing Olive and getting her out the door!  I was not organized so Christi and I ran around all crazy like trying to figure out the game plan for the evening- funny thing was we were going to be walking less that an 1/8 of a mile and have like 10 kids in the neighborhood but the night started out like a frantic shit show! haha

We got out the door finally, walked a figure 8 loop around our neighborhood and saw only a handful of neighbors but Olive loved seeing the kid's costumes and of course chewing on her glow stick- aka chew toy lifesaver.

We got back to the house, handed out some candy, and enjoyed a nice COLD adult beverage while taking hilarious pics in the ocean known as my driveway!

Best. Halloween. Ever!

Funny side note: my halloween costume was not kid appropriate as it came in the mail.  I had to basically wear a black skirt and black tube top underneath my mermaid costume. In the online pic it looks like the "black material" in between the silver gills was opaque- it was not.  I found this out at 3pm Halloween night.  I realize now that my Halloween costume priorities have definitely changed since college ;)

Which brings me to a costume flashback.  This was my most favorite Halloween as a single girl and I made my most favorite costume ever!  When I was living in Houston I had a group of amazing girlfriends!  We decided in August that we were going to be "furry animals" and were going to use my sewing machine to sew our costumes!  Of course we chose our costumes months in advance but still ended up staying up til 3 am the night before actually finishing our projects!  We thought about buying the costumes but ended up saving about $230 by making our own!  In total it cost $15 each for the fabric and repurposing of old clothing (patternless) as opposed to the $245 for the whole get up at an "adult store" hahahah!

Let me introduce you to our Polar bear, Fox, and wolf!!! 



Can't wait to share our costumes next year :) I already have been scheming! 

Keep posted for our weekend adventures including one of mine and David's first dates since Olive was born! Hope you had a great halloween! XXX

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