Tuesday, October 1, 2013

"A whole lotta spooky things happened there"! ~Hocus Pocus

OH MY OCTOBER!!!  It's officially October!  Today kicks of the start of merriment that is HOLIDAY DECORATING!  Now I am not a huge Halloween decorator, and my fall fare is relatively limited (but it makes a statement :) JUST wait until Christmas though!
 Our simple fall table- don't mind the kid parade in the background!  once we get an entertainment center I have plan for kid friendly toy camouflage! haha!
I love the feeling of fall!! The pumpkin EVERYTHING including my morning pumpkin smoothie!  I used to live off pumpkin smoothies for like 6 months when I used to train for various races- nothing beats vanilla almond milk, banana, some sort of protein powder, and a big heaping scoop of pumpkin!! Right now I use Raw Meal Vanilla Chai!  This stuff is actually really yummy- their chocolate leaves something to be desired but their organic products are AMAZING!  
My goal is to lost my remaining 15 lbs before Jan 1 so I can get back into race shape and do some triathlons before the wedding next March!  This stuff will hopefully help me get there...mmm pumpkin..

Moving on!  
I can't believe a year ago this time I was about 16 weeks pregnant with my little shmoopy Olive! Have I mentioned I love fall?!
This chalkboard was so much fun to make because it was all about the fall things I loved!!  I can wear these pants now- but they are just as snug as they were in this picture and not half as decent looking!  This picture only mildly showed it but this was the WORST week of pregnancy sickness I had.  I was nauseous for the first 22 weeks but this week really kicked my butt- but this was also the day I got notice that I was hired at Pier 1.  Now those who know me would laugh, because I actually have a B.S., M.S., and a Ph.D. in Chemistry and was doing cancer research before I moved back to AZ but the only job I could get at the time was working at Pier 1- like when I was in college hahah!  But I'm not knocking it because I had a job, paid my bills, made some great friends, and OH MY GOD got to smell fall scents every day while working at my favorite store ever! 

Oh how I missed those little kicks! 
Well flash forward to 2013 to this week!  Little punkin and I went on one of our first morning walks where it was actually cool!  Cool enough for Olive to dawn a sweater (that used to be mine as a kiddo)! We love our B.O.B. Jogger and I can't wait to get out and run when it's even cooler!

We were jamming out to pandora and looking at all the houses being built in our subdivision!
Of course a sweatie selfie!  A long way to go to get back into race shape but at least I'm rocking the hollywood shades like the old days!  

Stay tuned for more of my house organization fiasco and I'll keep you posted on the training!  I hope you all are enjoying fall and can get out there and enjoy the crisp air!!

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