AMAZINGLY Good- I LOVE seeing the accomplishments of my previous team members and running friends... it makes my heart skip a beat and some tears form in my eyes because I know that joy they feel after a run or coming across that finish line! It's so cool to see how far some of them have come and I am soooooo proud and happy for them! I love reminiscing about the good old days where running was fun and the gym was such a treat and accomplishment for me!!
Bad- I can't get my unfit-post-baby-just-5-more-minutes-of-sleep-a$$ to do a real workout... it's been a laundry list of excuses and true issues these past few months! I want to race again so bad! Plus I have a wedding dress that isn't getting any more flattering as it gets closer to our wedding!!
I could go on for days with schedule issues and how the training schedule I used to have no longer my knees are killing me since Olive was born... and the ever dreaded "I don't have someone to watch the baby when I go to the gym".... but it is time to cut the fat- literally! As all of you know any life changing event causes you to do things differently than you might have once did- getting my body back into shape is going to be no exception!
I am a HUGE fan of training for a goal (like a sprint triathlon or a 10k) and having established workouts or at least goals for every workout each week. I used to live by excel spreadsheets, my planner, and the Group fitness calendars at the gym to plan out my weeks, but now with a baby and the million weekly variables that come with having a new family it has been hard finding and actually sticking to a plan- so I am starting from scratch!! I'm starting from the basics like I have never worked out in my life- which by looking at my rear you would think I never had either!!
Right now I am working on a simple 30 day goal! There is no weight loss magic number involved, no "must run a total of X miles"... none of that! The goal is to just make time for exercise, eat better (which I mostly eat clean but have a hankering for panda express every now and then), and become better aware of what I need to change in my daily life to accommodate my dreams of getting back into triathlons, continuing house projects, and spending as much time as I can with my little sweetie pie!
My November Plan of Action:
1. Attending Stroller Strides in Mesa every Monday!!!!
THIS IS THE GREATEST GIFT TO MOMMIES and EXPECTING MOMMIES EVERYWHERE! Where else can you get an amazing workout, have your baby with you the whole time, and meet some amazing moms who have similar fitness goals to yours?!
The owners of the Mesa and Queen Creek Fit4MOM Stroller Strides are two of the most INCREDIBLE women ever!! Jamie (left) and Laura (right) are the best role models any woman can ask for and they help support all women with their fitness goals- regardless of age, weight, special needs, or fears!!!
In case you haven't heard, Stroller Strides is a total fitness program that moms can do with their babies/children. It includes power walking and intervals of strength and body toning exercises using exercise tubing, the stroller and the environment!! All of their classes are taught by certified and specially trained fitness instructors, it is a great workout for any level of exerciser! While you're working out these ladies weave songs and activities into the routine designed to entertain and engage your baby and create a fun learning environment for you both!

I LOVE these classes! We aren't talking about just walking around the park and laughing- these women really get your blood pumping and are just so much fun! The last class they even had bubble blowers- I think I was even more entertained than olive! HAHAHA! You can take a look at their schedule of classes on their website or take a look at some of adorable and fun pics of the events they have had on their Facebook!!
2. Walking at least 3X a week with Olive- with short jogging intervals that increase with each walk. I have already started walking around Tempe Town lake with my dear friend and bridesmaid Michelle (aka apiratemama) and her little boy Rylan the last few weeks! We both plan to increase our cardio duration and intensity over the next few months!
3...And last but not least- 30 day "Little Black Dress" and "30 day abs" workouts- via pinterest just for fun!
Sidenote: Ok so If you have ever trained for anything in your life- or have picked up any fitness magazine ever- I know you're thinking these "30 day workouts" aren't exactly the best guides for "getting in shape"...
I already hear people saying "they only work 3 muscle groups.... crunches don't give you abs.... those isolated movements won't make you stronger"...... I want to state clearly- I understand :) I chose these two short/easy/doable workouts for 3 main reasons:
1) They are short workouts!
2) They are physically achievable goals though I am out of shape!
3) and Most importantly- it's helping me carve out a specific amount of time every day to devote to physical fitness!
I frankly just wanted a goal that was short term and obtainable, and something so easy I could not NOT do it even with 1000 things going on! I feel like once I have complete these first 30 days and established better habits I can then start setting larger goals and eventually get stronger than I've ever been physically!
I'll keep you posted on my progress... I have a feeling the first few weeks will be hard but I am hoping like with everything else- Olive and I can get into a groove together! I really want to be healthy, look great for our wedding, get back into racing, and be a good role model for her! Crossing my fingers... :)
Also, Olive and I have been walking/jogging around our subdivision! It has 4 different jungle-gyms throughout its various housing loops and we actually played on one for the first time this weekend!
3...And last but not least- 30 day "Little Black Dress" and "30 day abs" workouts- via pinterest just for fun!
Currently I'm on day 4!!
I already hear people saying "they only work 3 muscle groups.... crunches don't give you abs.... those isolated movements won't make you stronger"...... I want to state clearly- I understand :) I chose these two short/easy/doable workouts for 3 main reasons:
1) They are short workouts!
2) They are physically achievable goals though I am out of shape!
3) and Most importantly- it's helping me carve out a specific amount of time every day to devote to physical fitness!
I frankly just wanted a goal that was short term and obtainable, and something so easy I could not NOT do it even with 1000 things going on! I feel like once I have complete these first 30 days and established better habits I can then start setting larger goals and eventually get stronger than I've ever been physically!
I'll keep you posted on my progress... I have a feeling the first few weeks will be hard but I am hoping like with everything else- Olive and I can get into a groove together! I really want to be healthy, look great for our wedding, get back into racing, and be a good role model for her! Crossing my fingers... :)
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