I have to admit- I learn something new and humbling every day since I've become a mom! Serve me up a fresh baked humble pie because before I was pregnant I always though "I'll never have a messy car when I have kids" and even a few weeks ago I had every minute of the flight with Olive to Minnesota planned to a capital M! I am an extreme list maker and play out actions in my head before I go to bed like they are basketball plays- for the most part I think we traveled quite well but holy shit traveling with a 6.5 month old ALONE is unlike anything you could ever prepare for completely! HAHAHA
With that said- here's to you mothers of multiple children who fly frequently! MAD PROPS!
Little Olive knew something was up- and loves helping me pack! haha really she just loves when I pull her around in the Laundry basket and let her roll in my clean clothes! I have been waiting for months to finally put in her warm clothes- all the ones she's never worn!
I swear that 75% of the suitcase was her stuff! From little bitty vests to jeggings and fluffy slippers this girl was rocking incredible and cute styles and I was left to a shoe box sized area! hahah and no outfit for my cousins wedding planned :| eep
So the flight to Minnesota could not have gone better- the few minutes leading up to getting in our seat went like this
1. Got there way over an hour early
2. Angry check in counter lady
3. Long ass security line and baby is now 20 lbs- already sweating.
4. Get selected for random screening while olive proceeds to pee- alot- I can tell.
5. I ask to change her before pat down- WW3 ensues between nice TSA and not nice TSA lady. I had to explain to them that since she has started solids if I don't change her this instant she will shit and I will flip my shit because it will be EVERYWHERE- this happened twice this week already.
6. Everyone freaks out, lets me change her, and the TSA pat down lady is training. No lie this shit takes 30 minutes.
7. we get dressed, get to our gate, plane is full- gotta check the carseat, about to board with 1000 evil stares.
8. Olive shits. Im holding a 20 lb stink bomb, boppy, and bag that has now been repacked 6 times because of TSA.
9. Change olive (which involves everything falling on the floor and stressing me out because of the germs hahah), walk the plank, board the plane with everyone angrily staring.
And then God blesses us with an empty seat in a row with a 2nd grade teacher! THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU!
Sippin my juice.... with my mind on my bunny and my bunny on my mind!
This little Olive has so much personality and seriously thinks she's "big people". This girl just unpacked and got settled in no time.
Mommy barely got any room and the adorable teacher next to us kept getting kicked because Olive wanted to spread her legs out straight and not touch ANYTHING! To freaking funny.
While we were in minnesota we proceeded to se EVERY extended relative and in one day actually went to like 10 different family members houses. Oh yeah it was a crazy whirlwind fun trip!
Since it was a long trip I'll just share some highlights!
We went with Gammy, Papa, and Papa's relatives to the first and only distillery in MN!
We went to Cousin Tara's wedding and took a million pictures. So many times we would start taking a picture and someone would say "I want in", "oh wait for me". this happens a lot with our family!
Take 1
Take 2
Take 3
And my favorite- the one where Olive is the ham and the only one looking hahahah!
And the most precious hilights of the weekend- time spent with Great Papa Art and GG (great grandma Jan). Melted my heart how much he couldn't get enough of Olive.
It was an amazing trip but by the end of the 5 days Olive and I were missing David soooooo much and for once we could tell he really missed us too! It was nice to come home!! We came home to a spotless clean house and flowers... god I love him!
Can't wait to share more of this past weekend with soup making and all the sewing fun we had!